Sunday, April 11, 2010


There's currently an issue with embedded comments on this blog, which appears to be affecting some google blogs... for the time being it's gonna be pop-up style.  As a peace offering, I improved the layout of the site, and added a title photo of my homemade Wintry Orange Chai tea.  I'll put up a recipe for it soon, it's divine!


  1. oh yay! does your recipe happen to not use vast amounts of sugar or powdered milk? i have a good recipe, but it uses a lot of the aforementioned ingredients. i'm looking for something a bit healthier, but with a nice spice :)

  2. It uses no sugar at all, and soy milk or milk is optional (my sister likes it with, I tend to drink it without). I will have to get that recipe up for you extra-soon!


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