Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hi Ho Silver!

I haven't hennaed since January, and boy, has it become obvious.  Somewhere in the last 2-3 years, I turned a salt-and-pepper grey!  On one hand, it was the most stressful time of my life, but on the other hand, I started getting greys when I was 18 just like my parents, so it's not that big of a shock that it would speed up after age 30.  Tonight I'm doing a major whole-head henna, so I figured it was time to measure and take a photo.

You can see the henna at the bottom left corner, hiding from the 5-inch expanse of greys.

Measuring the grey hairs, I determined that my hair grew exactly 2.5 inches in 20 weeks, averaging 6.5 inches per year rather than my normal 9+.  The result is that I haven't been able to grow my hair past thumb-length, because I have to trim split ends at the same rate as the growth.  Ah, the pregnancy lies they tell you, that your hair and nails will grow thick and fast!  Instead, I think the baby is taking every last drop of energy, including that devoted to hair production, my green thumb, and my house-cleaning motivation. 

I actually really like the grey, and if not for henna's super-strengthening properties that fixed all my hair issues (static electricity, texture, breakage starting at shoulder level), I would stop it.  One of these days when there's more grey, I really really want to have a silver stripe and the rest hennaed.

When I henna tonight, the dark hairs will turn reddish brown, and the white hairs orange.  So long, silver. 

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