Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Teething, viruses, and whining... oh my!

Torin has spent the last week hard-core teething.

Tooth buds appeared!  I've been checking for them every day for a month.

He also spent the last week with a cold, which I started 2 days after he did.  Given that colds have an incubation period of 2-3 days, I am guessing that he caught it at Pantheacon or the grocery store (despite all my precautions with hand-washing and keeping him away from strangers) and I caught it from him.  Yay!  Family bonding experience!  (Can you feel the sarcasm?)

The house has been full of non-stop whining.  Mostly Torin's.  His eyes are constantly glistening, and my ears are constantly ringing.  We make a sad pair, but at least we've been getting in at least one 4-hour chunk of sleep per night!  I have no idea if it's the sleep-schedule training or if it's that he's sick, but improved sleep is welcome while my body needs it to heal. 

There is this noise that Torin makes when he whines, a NNNNNG, NNNNNNG, MMNNNNNG, MNNNG sound through his nose that I interpret as a cry.  It's like tired crying but less intense and not coming out of the mouth.  It is, without doubt, THE most grating noise I have ever heard besides nails on a chalkboard and styrofoam rubbing styrofoam.  If I made that noise nonstop, I would have the most raging headache... I don't know how he can stand it.  The more he does it, the more my shoulders tense up, and I'm basically walking around hunch-backed from the tension.  Strangers and other more-experienced moms think it's cute (his noise, not my posture) and don't think it counts as crying.  My mom was over this weekend said that it was so cute because he "talks to himself" just like my brother did all the time.  Talking?  You mean the most annoying sound in the world that goes on for hours and hours on end and combines with sleep deprivation into a torture that drives me to the brink of madness?  Well, she's right, he does have a lot of complaining to do right now. 

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