Mammoth sunflowers live up to the name.
All the ones I sprouted and planted died. All the ones I planted along the entire western wall in perfect sunflower lighting refused to sprout. All the ones along the northern walls did nothing.
But the ones in half-shade under the bedroom window, in the tallest bed, with the least sunflowery conditions, are the ones that made it. Well, 5 of them did, and only 3 of them survived getting the heads chewed off too early.
I don't understand what Mother Nature is doing to my sad, sad garden this year, but at least there's a splash of color somewhere.
And now, for a darker sort of photo... I discovered that the new pair of doves in town have decided that the sunflower that is nearest to being ripe is their new irresistible playground. I need to wrap the head in mesh or something to keep them out! They've devoured or destroyed a whole half a head since I last checked on it 3 days ago.
And this is why I have trained Stormy to hunt doves.
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