Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Amazed at Hindmilk

I am just sharing this because science.

Foremilk, what comes out first during a feeding, is supposed to be sweeter and high in sugar, while the hindmilk is fattier and more white.  I've heard that this happens because as milk is produced but not expressed, the fats settle out a bit. 

Anyway, I have a bit of an over-supply, so I have to make sure that Torin nurses enough to get at that fatty hindmilk.  I never realized how much fattier the hindmilk is... but now I have proof!

A few days of travel and less-frequent nursing resulted in a familiar bruised sensation that means I need to pump (hey, avoiding mastitis sounds like a great idea).

The setting:  nursed on the left side 20 minutes before pumping both sides at about 10pm (when my supply is lowest).  I pumped for 10 minutes and had 2 letdowns.  This means the right bottle is a typical 10-minute feeding (usually he goes for 15-30 minutes), and the left bottle is all hindmilk due to having been recently emptied.  Then I refrigerated it overnight, and the fat layers separated.

Lefty and Righty

Dang, look at that fat layer in the hindmilk!  I am kinda shocked that it constitutes at least 60% of the ounce, while the 10-minute meal consists of only 6% fat.

Alrighty... time to freeze those together to make a rich tasty baby snack.

Does anyone know someone who needs frozen milk?  I have some from when I was still eating dairy products, which Torin can't have.  Seems a shame to waste it.

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