Ryan found a tick on Stormy*, and I found a tiny tick on the tick.
A little internet research later, and it turns out that they were mating! Not a bad way to go, I guess. I dropped them both into the vitamin bottle of rubbing alcohol that contains all the preserved ticks (well, just 5 now) that Stormy has ever encountered. Then I realized something.
They will be making love, forever, in that jar.
A little internet research later, and it turns out that they were mating! Not a bad way to go, I guess. I dropped them both into the vitamin bottle of rubbing alcohol that contains all the preserved ticks (well, just 5 now) that Stormy has ever encountered. Then I realized something.
They will be making love, forever, in that jar.
Epic love story?
*No worries, Stormy is up to date on her lyme disease vaccine and we are watching her closely.
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