Thursday, April 30, 2015

You lose some, you win some.

Sad garden news... 

Something dug up my sage plants.  I say "something" and not "Stormy" because I am pretty sure I watched her well all day... and somehow the bed keeps getting dug up despite the fence around it.  It's a short fence, but as far as we know, Stormy doesn't know she can jump that high and always obeys fence boundaries.  I replanted them and hope they survive, and will not let Stormy out of my sight tomorrow. 

All 5 of the mexican gherkins fried to a crisp in the sun over the course of one day.  I also only have 1 left of each of the cuke and squash seedlings, but the list of which numbers corresponded to which varieties is somehow lost, so I wouldn't know which is which anyway.  I spent 3 weeks hardening these guys off, but I guess it wasn't enough. 

Looks like I'm planting a lot of seed directly in the ground tomorrow to try to catch up!  What grows, grows.  And if it doesn't, there's always seedlings at the local hardware store.  Maybe, just to be safe, I should just get a couple squash seedlings.

But on the bright side...

At least all the tomatoes are fantastic, the transplanted mint is having a field day in its new home, the basils and chard are looking stoic, and the strawberries and malabar spinach still appear vibrant.  These guys thought that 3 weeks was plenty of hardening-off time.  There should still be a lot to harvest.

I also repotted the extra tomato seedlings that were in the tiniest pots... sooooo many seedlings!  I have a big decision to make about the remaining garden space... how much do I want to give to squash (which never works for me), and how much do I want to give to tomatoes (I already planted 14)? 

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