Monday, April 11, 2016

3 Month Plan - Week 1

The first week is complete!  Here's the chart:

Color code:
  • Grey = planned to do it this day, but it moved to another day or didn't happen
  • Orange = inadequate result
  • Yellow = mediocre/acceptable result
  • Green = practically perfect
These colors aren't truly quantifiable... more about how I felt about the quality at the time. 

Yeah, so.  Not the best.

Obviously, I want to see a LOT of green on that chart.  I produced 2 green days, so next week I'll go for 3+!  Wednesday was the actual day that I started putting in some effort on filling in the chart, and just committing to it did produce a noticeable improvement.

Notable positives about the Week 1:
  • I found a new park that is only about 1.5 miles from my house, with the dog park on the walk in between.  This is a GORGEOUS, huge, ridiculously clean/maintained park... also has restrooms, which solves my "out on a hike to the dog park for too long" problem, haha.  
  • I met a potential mom friend that clicked, for the first time in my year of hanging out in parks.  
  • I scheduled 2 meetings with 2 different groups for weeks 2 and 3, and it also turns out that the mom I met this week also moderates a large group and is happy for me to join.  So this sets me up pretty well for getting in that 3x/week socializing!
  • I did a great job of catching up on garden stuff.  I filled the geobin, the garbage bin, and a large garbage bag with just weeds.  Also pretty much finished getting the beds prepped for planting.

Things to improve upon for Week 2:
  • Torin was hella grumpy from teething and even had a light fever from it all week.  His grumpiness translates into my tiredness.  My mood was pretty low, and next week has to be better.
  • My hunger was crazy this week, and I gave in to many many snacks.  I'm assuming it was from nursing a baby that wasn't feeling well, who had decided that he was going to get 95% of his calories from milk.  I'm kinda shocked that I didn't gain weight! 
  • I only went for 1 hike and weightlifted once, and only meditated and slept well twice.  This is all on me, and not prioritizing time for getting my needs fulfilled.
  • Most of my solid work was done during Torin's sleep, and this next week needs to focus more on getting stuff done when he is awake.
  • I MUST get those tomato seedlings repotted, and get the last of the seeds in the ground.  Tomatoes go in the ground in week 3 or 4.

Here's to an improved Week 2!

Edit:  missed the last line in the chart:  Torin went to the park Tues & Fri.

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