Sunday, July 7, 2013

A New Path

In 2014, I am leaving the workforce to rehabilitate my health and take care of my family and house.  I'll be trying my hand at keeping our lifestyle comfortable, through making some income from home and exploring the limits of frugality.

After working in the field of science for 11 years, I am not going to be able to stop the scientist within!  I am always experimenting, keeping records, and fine-tuning the mundane things in life, and this blog will be the perfect outlet for that energy.

A few people have asked what I will do, what I will be.  Housewife just doesn't have that special ring to it, and doesn't describe my ambitions very well.  What about chef, homemaker, handywoman, financial planner, bellydancer, barber, laundress, manager of family happiness, gardener, fledgeling athlete, brewmistress, healer, budding Etsy maven, and zen master?  Is there a word that rolls all of those into one?  "Aspiring domestic goddess" sounds close.

Maybe no label is needed.

Me and my partner in life, headed down the path together to something new.

I'm sure I'll discover a lot on this journey, and I'd like to share it here with you.  So stop by, settle down with a cup of tea, say hello, and share something.

(Posts may be a bit sporadic until I am no longer working 12-hour days, so feel free to subscribe via email or join on Google+ at the top of the page if you don't want to miss anything.)

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