Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sharing the Joy

It is time to announce something special... we're expecting a baby in October!

I haven't been quite sure how to write about it here, 'cause the 3-year fertility journey up until now has been difficult, including a strange inability to get pregnant on 6 clomid/IUI cycles over the last year.  Since I'm leaving the first trimester this week, I've been pregnant far longer than ever before, so we're feeling pretty hopeful.

What changed?  

Well, there are 2 big things that stick out in my mind.

1:   I had a job which was so high-stress that several doctors including my reproductive endocrinologist kept asking when I was going to leave because my health problems would not resolve and were directly related to said job atmosphere.  My last cycle started 3 days before my last day at work, my body just couldn't wait for me to get well-rested and stress free.  We were hoping that pregnancy would occur soon after being in the right environment, but it was still surprising that it happened so fast!

2:   I found out that I have a 50% chance of having a mutation of the MTHFR gene... full explanation requires a separate blog post or two, but my main concern was that repeated miscarriage is related to it, and I had so many of the symptoms of the mutation.  My health insurance won't test for it, and there was no harm in properly supplementing for it (besides harm to my wallet, the prenatals aren't the cheapest), so I took a chance.  I began the supplements one month before my last cycle began and noticed a dramatic reduction of MTHFR-related symptoms.  The next cycle, BAM!  Pregnant.

Honestly, I feel it is a combination of both.  So I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my husband for making #1 possible, and to my mom for making #2 possible.

All is looking good so far.

We've had 3 great ultrasounds (I am getting more than average because my fertility history makes me high risk), and it is amazing to see the little one wiggling about in there!  We've passed the 12-week mark, so the placenta has taken over hormone production and was able to stop taking the progesterone pills.  All testing has come back with ideal results so far.  Morning sickness* has been horrendous, which is a good sign for a viable pregnancy.  Baby brain is kind of taking over:  I have left a pencil in the fridge, and have thrown my nice dry towel on the shower floor to stand on as I showered for a full minute before I realized what I had done.  I can definitely say that I've gone from being "cautiously pregnant" to "happily pregnant" as these milestones have been passed.

I somehow already have a "baby bump" (or a bloat bump?) and my boobs are huge, despite having lost 4 pounds.  Not sure how it's possible, but I kinda like it and can't wait to start really showing.  I'll admit to trading my jeans for yoga pants and recycled-sari wrap skirts for the last 2 weeks already.

Anyway, my morning sickness is finally easing enough that I can type and scroll on a freaking internet page without hugging the puke bucket.  Expect the blog posts to pick back up again!  :D

It's been fun breaking the news to my family, and I just told my grandma for her birthday this weekend.  It's time to share the joy with you too!

 Expect the little one's arrival on or around 10-10-14.

Please let it be noted:  If you're on Facebook too, don't "out" me there.  Hardly anyone reads this blog or is on my Google+, and for various reasons I don't want all of Facebook knowing until much later in the pregnancy.  Thank you!   Edit:  I was "outed" on Mother's Day, and decided to just go with it and post a photo of my mom pointing at my belly... what better a day to announce?  The voluntary Facebook ban has been lifted. 

* It's a lie!  It's ALL DAY!  I will punch the next person who suggests ginger or crackers.

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