Friday, April 4, 2014

Looking for Natural Cold Remedies

Alright people, this is the situation.  I have a cold.  I can't take medications for it, or any herbs "more than dietary amounts."  Hit me with your ideas!

This is what I'm trying so far.
  • Lots of steamy teas to sip and inhale, including ingredients like:  chai, fresh peppermint, fresh ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice
  • Raw garlic
  • Super spicy foods... will definitely get some Thai food tomorrow! 
  • Vitamin C rich foods
  • Chewing crunchy things like apples 
  • Keeping super hydrated
  • Warm or cold washcloths over the sinuses
  • Brief hot steamy showers
  • Pressing the vibrating head of an electric toothbrush to my sinuses on my forehead and cheeks to loosen stuff up while having face under hot shower water... sometimes this is magical.
  • Rocking the vomer bone in the nose... used to work temporarily for me, but now just makes me sore for some reason.
  • Blowing the nose with a relaxed jaw (prevents mucus from being forced backward)
  • Sleep whenever one nostril clears.  (I can't sleep and breathe through my mouth at the same time, so I was up until 5am.)  Use lots of pillows in an attempt to improve drainage.
  • Bumped up the asthma meds slightly for the impending movement of the cold from head to chest.

Things I can't use.
  • My trusty turmeric-honey-pepper remedy!  It only works in "much higher than dietary amounts," so I'm not gonna risk it.  In medicinal doses it can cause uterine stimulation, stimulates menstrual flow.  It can also slow blood clotting, and nosebleeds have been a problem.
  • Neti pot.  No matter how many times/ways I have tried this thing, I just end up feeling like I have water in my ears/sinuses for 3 days afterward.  Doing it during a cold has been a one-way track toward a sinus infection.  It is obvious that my sinuses are a treacherous labyrinth that trap neti pot liquid.
  • Any medications.  Sure, I'm in the second trimester by now, but I'm paranoid and won't use anything unless it's Tylenol to reduce a fever that's too high (and even then, Tylenol is associated with ADHD, so it's emergency-only).

Got any ideas?  Foods?  Safe herbs?  Yoga poses?  Anything?
I am all ears.  And stuffy sinuses.  And achy head, achy body, and sleepless.

I have a feeling that once the cold is over, I'll realize that the morning sickness and exhaustion of the first trimester have lifted, and I'll feel freaking amazing. 

Edit:  Well, that was a short cold.   2 days of tingly throat and feeling it about to come on, then 2 days of actual cold, then 5 days of a mild cough that didn't even count as being sick, and that didn't give me asthma.  Whoa.  It usually lasts 2 weeks... I have never had a 2-day cold!  And I've never had an asthma-free cold.  I guess 4 meals in a row of super hot thai food did the trick?  Or being pregnant gives me superpowers.

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