Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hamming it up on Ostara

Yesterday I was particularly grumpy and lethargic, and couldn't figure out why... until I noticed the neighbor kids across the street setting up a table on the front lawn for egg dying.  I immediately put a pot of water on the stove to boil some easter eggs.

My husband offered the idea of doing gradient eggs, where you make a concentrated batch of dye, then every so often add more water so that the next layer up gets diluted dye.  I'd never tried this, so I made a few colors while I was baking, on both white and brown eggs.  I just did 1tsp white vinegar, 20 drops of food coloring, and a bit of boiling water, then every 10-15 minutes added more hot water.

Ta da!  Greens and blues did best.

I'm spending the day with my parents, brother, and the pup out there in the super green countryside!  Stormy doesn't know it yet, but she is about to have her first taste of ham.

I guess I should say or do something profound about being pregnant enough to start showing right on a fertility holiday.  Or I should make a joke about how we're eggspecting.  However, I'm not feeling inclined to gradient-dye my growing belly at the moment.  Instead, I'm just gonna eat ham.  Lots and lots of ham.  And I might wear a dress so I don't have to deal with a waistband as I feast.

Did you dye anything this year?

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