Saturday, September 15, 2018

GISH part 1, Item #35, Sock Octopus Hat

In August I participated in GISH!

GISH is short for Greatest International Scavenger Hunt, and it's focused on charity and "taking a break from normalcy."

Basically, they give you a list of (silly/weird/fun/helpful) tasks to complete, and you get points for each one you do.  Your team earns points together, and the winner gets a vacation trip.  The selection of introvert tasks was fairly slim compared to previous years, and I only managed to do 3 items off the huge list... but I let my perfectionism loose and spent a lot of time on each one. 

The Zone

I have had a terribly hard time getting into The Zone, that artistic mental space where time doesn't exist and inspiration and talent flow, since before my son was born.  So it's been probably 4 years!  I watch him full time, and he doesn't nap, and he breaks me out of The Zone whenever he notices that I'm about to enter it. 

The whole week was a practice of dipping in and out of The Zone nonstop, and practice to see how long Torin could tolerate not being the center of attention.  It was good for both of us, and I am finding that I now have an increased ease at entering The Zone, and am far less frustrated when I'm forced out of it by toddler distraction.  I completed more artistic things in that one GISH week than I've done in the last year! 

The first item:  Tentacly Warmth

When I saw the task that was essentially to make a sock monkey hat that was a different animal, I immediately knew that this one was for me!  I've wanted to crochet a giant octopus hat for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity. 

Sock Octopus Hat makes me long for aquatic things.

This hat cracks me up!  It was cobbled together from a few free Ravelry patterns, plus some intuitive crocheting.  It's the first time I've ever used intuition to crochet extra details.  I'm still working on writing out the pattern so that I can hopefully replicate it.

It was also insanely time-consuming to make, and left my hands aching for weeks afterward because I pushed them too hard... I've had almost a dozen requests for it, so I must disappoint everyone who wants one for this christmas.

Next year, I hope to do GISH again. 

My plan is to NOT do a crochet item, because even though it was fun to make, it took up most of my free time for the week!  I technically didn't even finish the back 2 tentacles of the hat until afterward (shhhh).  

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