Thursday, September 6, 2018

To Boldly Go!

It's September, so it's time to get serious about sewing Halloween costumes.

I spent about 2 months asking Torin what he wanted to be for Halloween... showed him pictures of kids in costumes, gave him plenty of ideas.  We need to do something besides Jedi!  He always responded either "I want to be just Torin" or "I want to be nothing." 

That is, until one day in August, he said he wanted to be Star Trek!  We had been watching the original series, which is currently the only series I haven't seen.  Over the next few weeks he waffled between a gold uniform (Kirk) and blue (Spock) and red (Picard), and I showed him allllll the Star Trek costumes... but he finally settled on what he wanted. 

Torin's official requests were:
  • Torin:  Blue (TNG style)
  • Daddy:  Red (TNG style... and yes, I have heard all the redshirt jokes already)
  • Mommy:  Purple (Deanna Troi's horrible bodysuit with the V-shaped belt)
I've been fantasizing about making Star Trek costumes for forever, but wanted to wait until I had finished losing weight so I wouldn't be too fat for the costumes.  But when your 3-year-old says he wants to dress up, you gotta grab the opportunity! 

My compromise (because I am NOT wearing a spandex bodysuit) was to go for the blue skant.  Troi did wear it in the first episode, and if I it's cold I can still wear black leggings underneath... technically the skant + pants combo was a maternity uniform.  I found a pattern from Simplicity.

For the men, I found two-piece TNG patterns on the official Roddenberry website.  I didn't want to do jumpsuits... Torin wouldn't have any room to grow, and it would be pretty annoying to have to fully undress to use the restroom. 

I'm going to learn a lot about sewing in the next month.

After looking at the patterns, it appears that this one is going to be the most complicated and possibly the most expensive costume piece I have ever sewn!  It is a thing of terrifying beauty... which will get worked up in muslin first so I don't ruin the fancy cloth.

I can literally feel the nerdiness in every cell.

Here's to exploration and the expansion of boundaries!

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