Thursday, October 17, 2013

Found some more seed

I found a batch of seed hidden at the back of my closet.  Some of this is up to 5 years old, so the germination rate might not be so great... but this batch might still be useful.

Let's look over this selection...

1st row:  chives, nasturtium (empress of India, a bushy type), nasturtium (spitfire, a vining type), sage
2nd row:  rocky top lettuce mix, gourmet blend lettuce, black-seeded simpson lettuce, tendergreen India mustard
3rd row:  spearmint, russian radishes, marigold mix, bloody butcher tomato
4th row:  small fancy mix gourds, large bottle gourds, chianti hybrid sunflower, irish shamrocks, hollyhock
Vertical row:  medicinal herbs:  holy basil, wormwood (absinthe), shepherd's purse, wild dandelion, passionflower

What will I actually use?

Since we are relying on the garden this year for produce, I am primarily sticking to the edible plants.  out of this mix I can see using the herbs (besides the spearmint, holy basil, and wormwood), radishes, nasturtiums, and lettuces.  And perhaps some marigolds sprinkled here and there, to discourage pests.

A potted Empress of India nasturtium from 4 years ago.

Do we really need an 8th tomato?  I might not even attempt the bloody butcher.

Some of these were purchased for purely emotional reasons.

Both types of gourds were grown by my grandpa for our wedding, which is something I'll always remember fondly.  It was his last major garden.  

The Irish shamrocks are from our honeymoon in Ireland.  I couldn't help getting them... who knows, maybe there are a few Leprechaun seeds sprinkled in amongst the shamrocks?

Shepherd's purse is a weed, but my grandpa taught me that it was edible, so I ate it off the playground through grade school.  It makes heart-shaped seed pods that look like leaves, and these green pods pack a peppery punch.  I might sprinkle some of these under the roses... despite the weedy look, tasting them brings back good memories.

The hollyhocks and sunflowers were purchased simply because those are some rare colors to find in flowers, and a few years back I had a dream of a gothy black and red garden at our rental.  This year my dream is quite a bit different, but I might try to fit some of those into the front yard to display.  I still need to research whether edible plants are generally allowed in front yards in our homeowner's association.

Where are the rest?

I know I have more seeds hidden somewhere, some of them vegetables... perhaps they never made it out of the garage after the move.  Luckily I still have a few months to find them.

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