Saturday, October 12, 2013

Moving on to Bigger Things

Someone found out I was leaving work, and asked if I was moving on to bigger things.  Get it?  Bigger things?  Because I work with the Microgarden?  Hehe!  Best reply ever.

I realized that there are so many things I plan to do upon "retirement" that I am giving everyone a slightly different answer.  This is probably because the small question actually needs the bigger explanation of my new life path, but there is not usually time to explain to someone who's just passing through. 

And then they'll want to know the whys, and I'm not really prepared to explain how this job has affected my health and happiness, since I'd rather focus on the positive stuff right now.

The variety of answers to the question "What will you do next?":

  • Extended vacation, it'll be wonderful to share weekends with my husband finally.
  • I'll be living the artist's dream, selling my paintings and carvings.
  • Whatever I feel like doing, that I haven't really had time for up until now.
  • I'm starting up a personal microbrewery... I make mead, cider, and beer. 
  • I'll be dabbling in homesteading.  Lots of gardening, might even get some quail.
  • It's time to start my Etsy store... it's been planned for a few years.
  • What aren't I going to do?  I'm turning my hobbies into a full-time gig.  It'll be the exact opposite of my job now, except that it'll still include my love of science.

The typical response I get from people who are older than me is a confused look and "that sounds nice" and/or "can you make money with that?"  I typically end up having to explain that, no, I don't need the money*.  I still get the confused look.  Maybe I am misinterpreting what kind of look it is.

The people who "get it" are typically my age or younger, or who know me really well.  Some have become extremely excited at the idea of doing a non-traditional job... which may or may not make money, but which will at least be fulfilling.

I wonder why there is this age barrier.

Fossil-hunting... yet another hobby I'd like to expand upon.

My sarcasm makes me want to answer with silly things instead.  What will I do next?
  • *yawn*  Travel.
  • Play the didge professionally.  (Well, I do have a didgeridoo... you never know)
  • Teach science in my backyard. 
  • Win the lottery.  Gotta make a living somehow! 
  • Write children's books, but ones with lots of blood in them.  (Actually, that's not a bad idea.)
  • Be a Companion.  Have you seen Firefly?
  • *sobbing* I'm going to Disneyland!
  • I'll just be waiting outside your window, all night, every night.  Watching from the shadows.
  • Run away to the circus with my sister.  (She actually is in a circus though, so I guess this one is too believable.) 
  • Sleep. 
  • Be a professional mermaid.  Up until now, I've only been unprofessional.
  • Wine tasting.  Chocolate tasting.  Basically, lots of tasting. 
  • Bellydance, but like, with my butt.  Buttdance.  Have you heard of it?  *demonstrate*
  • Leprechaun hunting... though if I caught one, I don't think I could really kill it for its pelt.
  • Professional blogging. 

What should I add to my list of sarcastic replies? 

*I could have my current 13-hour day, or I could babysit 1 local child (at lowest-in-the-bay-area rates) for 14 hours and make twice as much.  That is how underpaid I am.

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