I came across this gem on Reddit...
You can roast green coffee beans on your own, for about 6 minutes in a popcorn popper. Or on the stovetop, or in a special coffee roaster. And theoretically, it is so fresh that you can't find anything as good in stores.
Here's some basics on the roasting process.
Ryan's daily coffee habit is about $15/pound for roasted Peet's coffee.
At Sweet Maria's, their 8-pound sampler plus shipping works out to $6/pound. I ordered the espresso sampler, and have a popcorn popper... we are totally doing this thing.
But wait, there's more!
As an added benefit, green coffee beans last 2-3 years in airtight storage without deteriorating flavors, while roasted beans last a week before beginning to lose flavor.
Once we figure out the roasting and his favorite beans, we could buy it in bulk and add this to the food storage and just rotate it out yearly. Every time we watch a post-apocalyptic movie, Ryan does mention that he'd miss coffee the most. Will this end up being a part of the 2014 food storage plan? Time will tell.
And now, it's time for me to further my research on r/roasting. Mmmm. Should arrive tomorrow, and just in time too, since we only have 2 days' worth of coffee left.
... Here's hoping my husband likes it. He's a good sport, but coffee is sacred.
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