Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sit and Stay

You know, it has become really easy to take photos of Stormy now that she knows the meaning of "stay."  Daily training practice has been probably the smartest thing we've done with her.  Makes living with a puppy much easier, and she loves to please!

Afternoon hikes are the best, when nobody else is around.

So far her skill set includes:
  1. Hurry up!  (potty)... thank goodness her amazing breeder trained her for this by 7 weeks when we took her home.
  2. Sit
  3. Down (lay down)
  4. Come (run to me)
  5. Stay
  6. Okay! (means she is released from the position)
  7. Stand (from laying down)
  8. Up (jump up to stand on your knee)
  9. Up-up-up (stand on hind legs)
  10. Off (get off the couch/bed, or back up)
  11. Ah-ah-ah (firmly said, means no/stop)
  12. Go get Ryan! 
  13. High five... works best on her back.
  14. Shake (handshake)... she still tries to eat your hand though
  15. Go get it / get it (fetch)... she will usually wait to chase until you give the command.
  16. Drop it (drop toy for fetch)
  17. Be cute (lays chin on knee)... learning that one was sort of an accident.
  18. C'mon/Come on (come with me)... distinct from a firm "Come", this was also an accident.
  19. Leave it (ignore it)... well, we're still working on this one.
  20. She walks off leash without chasing wildlife (she stops automatically after about 5 steps without needing a command)
  21. And finally, she is also tolerant of grooming, which is a big one considering that ear plucking and scary nail grinding are involved.
Wow, I didn't realize she'd learned so much.

What other skills should I teach Stormy?

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